Part of the perception management system is to keep people in a dual mindset, so that (whatever any given thing is) is given either a good or a bad status. This is by design.
Reasons are that when people have this dualistic programmed mind state or perception, they will see things as either extreme and in simple “good/bad” options.
Generally, that is because the mind is also perceiving the past and the future and is mostly not or never in the current now. As the now is counted in ever passing seconds, minutes and hours etc., so the “now” moment is seen as just the flip from future to “fleeting now” and then to the past.
This Now moment happens to be the opposite when you explain that time is also an illusion. We are distracted to look at the past or the future, so we are never in our present moment of eternal now, as explained above, with the fact that people in the dualistic mind will just see the now as a split second flip from the future to the past.
This has many benefits to the controllers because with you being in that mindset you will never think of the neutral space either. It won’t be a place in the middle from where to make neutral observations or from where to be in control of past and future.
The future has not happened yet, and the past has happened and gone. Neither actually exists right now, except in your mind.
So that is where the mind thinks it has to go to, either the past or the future and is then locked you into those two options, and then always misses out the middle one, which is neutral. This is the now, the present moment that is filled up with your mental focus on past or future, not existing time.
Duality Defenders
You get mind slaves then locked into duality who will defend either position to the death.
As people form their personalities and ego constructs, they interact with others. When it’s friends they all generally agree on things, it’s either good or bad and they will talk about a range of things in those simplistic limited mindsets and perception agreements. They will be offended by what is shocking to them and react in a strong way to the information that goes against their 2-way programming “beliefs” system. You tell them something as an awakened soul that triggers them, something that goes against the program, they react in that dualistic way.
There is no suspending of their reactions, no pause, you can see their faces reacting to the words as they are understood by them. Then, if it’s something that goes against their simple perception, or something nuanced, they will not understand it and trigger. Simply because they do not consider that things are on a scale, a gradient, a transition, from one extreme positive magnetic pole to the other negative magnetic pole is one entity, one magnet, you!
So, between both poles is the middle that contains both ends but also neither end, if you know about the middle or the gradient.
I don’t know if people understand that once you realise the 3rd option always existed, and how you were distracted from it by design, you will realise that in that centre is all of everything.
You control both poles, but you can also exclude both poles if you wished, because you are in the centre ground. From the centre you own both extremes but none too. This is also where variety, creation, empowerment, freedom, and enlightenment reside.
It opens up that inner space and gives you a neutral space from where to breathe and think and pause, and reflect, and take inventory, and rest, and observe yourself and others. It’s where connection to Source is strongest. In your present awareness of yourself in the Now real-time eternal moment.
People in duality are lost in anxiety about the future or reminiscing about the past. They are lost in no space and time. Their reactions cannot include the middle neutral. The best version, of that version of the neutral ground, for people is called when they are “not bothered” either way, so is generally an acceptance of both and not a choice.
So, people in duality cannot see the grey area, the spectrum of life and all of its little subtleties and gradients from one end to another. They can’t see all that space, a place where people don’t feel forced to choose as they know they always have a 3rd option, and it’s a space they can start to take back control of themselves, it’s a sanctuary too, a sacred space.
Your Centre
Once the programmed dualistic mind is programmed into thinking there are only those two options to make conclusions from, the mind then is not so able to see the middle space. The neutral territory where you do not support either side of a two-horse race, it also doesn’t allow the mind to create a third option or route to go down or escape route.
For example, many people are placed into making an important decision. They think they only have 2 options, so choose one of the lesser evils, which is still choosing evil. Especially if that evil is the one that has control of those 2 choices. The illusion of choices too is another way to confuse people. Providing seemingly different separate options but really controlling all options that you are told are available. When in actual fact you always have the right to think of a third option, one of your own creation, that does not play into the dualistic controlled good or bad, one party or other etc.
There is not only the “third” option you create that can negate the two controlled ones, but there are many more than just 3 options. You find in that middle ground is where all of life is in the now. Within that third neutral space or middle ground, are infinite options you can choose. So, realising that there is always a 3rd option when presented with just two, helps you find your own now neutral 3rd option space. And you can have fun with that centre ground if you are a creative person or someone who can see both options presented, neither of which you would choose.
Source Connection
In the centre space, there is only now, there is your present awareness of you interacting in that space and time. You become self-aware, but not in a neurotic way like awkward, but empowered to be able to see yourself from a more neutral perception as observer of the wider self. This makes you dangerous, because you are thinking in real-time and creating non programmed or predictable behaviours that then cannot be programmed or controlled. You don’t fall for the various scams each day, and you see deeper into life. You are in one-ness. From duality into the centre, third, middle neutral option – you go into oneness. Direct real-time connection to Source, through your now higher vibrating consciousness presence of self.
Now Neutral Space Exercises.
To bring you into your present moment. Here are some things you can actively do.
Beach combing
Going for a walk in nature
Making music
Floating in water
Chi Gong
Tai Chi
Creative writing
Reading books, depending on how you read them. Stop to reflect on the story and imagine things for yourself. If it’s a really good book and you get totally lost in it, but don’t reflect, then you’re relying on the author’s imagination not your own.
Even daydreaming is good,
Wildlife watching too, watching nature.
Also, gardening is good.
There are more but this is a good start.
Finally my fave! Doing Art!!!
The more you do of these things and become aware of yourself doing them, and enjoying them there and then, the more you are in that present eternal now moment. At the centre of life right there and then.