Current Earth Status Quo
The Right hand does not know what the Left hand is doing. Different countries are as rivals, different corporations are as rivals, the surface government is not aware of its own deep state government controlling it. The multiple governments not knowing who is controlling them, and from a deeper, much more secretive level.
So, you have this current situation going on, around, in and on planet Earth at the moment.
You also have a majority of the public believing the extraterrestrials are just a conspiracy theory and that there is no evidence to support that they exist. Well, here are just some of the reasons why the evidence is not made public. Also, when evidence is made public without cabal knowledge and gets out in some way, it is then covered up as a story with a plausible denial narrative. The public then believe the official narrative and then the story fades and goes away in the public’s perception.
Yet crashes still happen from time to time and the applicable procedures and protocols are initiated.
A Crash Retrieval Protocol
Protocols are there in place for very good reasons when it comes to retrieval of crashed extraterrestrial craft. There are many variables that need to be considered.
-Where is the exact location?
-Who is the closest retrieval team to location?
-Are the vehicle or occupants dangerous?
-How many witnesses?
-What did they see?
Location of Event
When an event happens like a UFO crash, or as they are now called UAP’s (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), it depends on the location of the crash, whether it is in for example a densely populated area like a city or town, or if it is out in the countryside and far away from many or any witnesses.
For the sake of not wanting to confuse people who are not yet aware of the UAP new definition I will stick to calling them UFOs for most people are familiar with that term or name for them. Which are just types of vehicles, generally speaking.
You also get the term USO (Underwater Submerged Object) which is a bit of a red herring, or false premise, but in other ways is useful in terms of a descriptor.
The reason being that some of these craft, if not most, are trans-medium, meaning they can travel through different types of mediums, like outer space, a planet’s atmosphere, through water, underwater, through volcanoes, and even through the Sun! Yes, the physics involved wraps their craft in a toroidal energy bubble, and all physics within that bubble is not affected in the same way as the forcefield protects the craft, even from things that we could not conceive, like unimaginable hot temperatures of lava, or thermal electromagnetic plasma fusion of the sun’s innards. Yet this is the case. So, to call them an aerial or underwater phenomena is from a limited knowledge, or a controlled knowledge of their true capabilities to traverse different mediums without any damage.
Of course, like everything physical though, these different vehicles are subject to wear and tear, knocks and grazes, close shaves, bumpy rides, little punts and debts etc. just like your car, you may look after it exceptionally well, yet it is prone to outside events out of your control whenever you use it in public. These craft are no different for Star Family benevolent ETs, and Regressive Aliens, or Secret black budget human secret space programs various craft too. They are all fallible and can break down or develop a fault. Just like your car, through all its mileage some things wear down and need replacing or fixing after a while.
3 Phase Crash Retrieval
Stage 01
First Team Perimeter 1 (P1)
You send in your team of specialist crash retrieval operatives to secure the location and the object and its occupants. To set up a perimeter boundary to work within and establish security of the site and investigate the site and object. Various specialist equipment and operatives with knowledge of chemistry, biology and technology etc.
Considerations Upon Arrival at Scene
-How safe is the structure to enter?
-Are there any signs and symbols, insignia to I.D. the vehicles origination?
-Any self-destruct mechanisms?
-Are there Live beings inside?
-What is their status, dead, injured or unharmed?
-Are you able to communicate with them?
-Are they an already known biological type?
-Check database catalogue?
-How are the beings behaving?
-Are the beings carrying any weapons?
-Are the beings using equipment or communicating to their others the location?
-Any beings that have had time to escape the area and go into hiding?
-Are there any dead beings that may still be dangerous?
-Check for booby traps?
-Are there any dangerous chemicals and gasses check?
-Coordinate with P2 Team arriving on scene.
-Collect and detain any beings found at the site.
-Coordinate with local law enforcement agencies, local fire, chemical and hazardous materials services and local health services that can take any potential patients.
Stage 02
Second Team Perimeter 02 (P2)
Establish a second perimeter to prevent any other agencies from recovering the vehicle or technology or people at the crash site.
They secure the area with a second wider perimeter and get the second team surrounding the location to stop people seeing or hearing about the incident. Or prevent local people arriving on the scene with the idea it’s an accident with humans involved, or through just curiosity wanting to find out or take photos.
-Establish and secure a second perimeter of X distance from Perimeter 1.
-Coordinating with P1 team
-What Is needed?
-Extra supplies for P1?
Stage 03
Third Team
Government Agents & MIB
Not concerned with establishing a perimeter.
They visit homes and properties door to door and speaking to locals to gain any extra information as to who saw what and how much knowledge they have. Whether they have anyone who picked up any items of debris etc or artefacts from the crash before any retrieval teams arrived. Also checking buildings and such for any escaped beings who have gone into hiding and evading capture.
Building up a timeline of events from all the amassed data to find out what actually happened. Whether there is any danger and what type of technology and beings were involved.
Team 3 is usually tasked with sifting through social media and looking for any further curious incidents in the local region. Also helping to manage information that gets out to the public awareness and managing that.
Crash Retrievals are done in full spectrum locations, meaning by land, by sea and by air.
Even recoveries have been done in orbit too. So, recoveries are done in all environments.
By Land
By Sea
Recovering downed craft that are at any location worldwide, these crash recovery teams are ready to move quickly.
Depending on whether human or non-human too depends on the type of recovery.
Non-Human Crash Recovery Teams
Non-human craft come along and suck everything up like a big magnet with damaged craft they cannot use a tractor beam for.
Also depending on the size or hazardous nature of the craft will depend on whether it can be recovered or not. They also do this at sea, underwater and by aerial transport.
What If it cannot be Recovered?
If a craft is too big or too toxic or cannot be dismantled, the option is to bury it in the ground until perhaps another recovery attempt later.
Human Crash Recovery Teams
Technology components and patents and innovations. New advanced Semi-Conductors, private aerospace business competitors, market share, stock listings, market influence, game changing advances to affect society.
Variables In The Mix
Some governments work with extraterrestrials so you sometimes have situations where Humans & Non-Humans are Working Together, or rival Earth Humans working against each other.
You also have situations between rival ETs and Aliens too. So you get scenarios like standoffs.
Some of those ET’s are human, both good and working for the regressive Aliens.
Just to throw that extra complication into the mix, because there are both good and bad space humans out there. Also, some of the ones that look human may not actually be human but instead human hybrids, so a mix of DNA from another species hybridised to look human on the outside but have a different consciousness that is not human. Effectively a human drone for another species. Plus, you get ETs that look human pretending to be from a human agency but not.
Race to the Prize.
The various government and civilian agencies, contractors, military, black ops, corporations and secret intelligence agencies, star family and the regressive aliens are all listening in on traffic constantly. Checking the airwaves for chatter, specifically increased chatter.
As when a craft is seen by many eyewitnesses, they tend to phone the emergency services for assistance. The traffic “lights up” in those locations, which helps pinpoint its exact location.
You also get these various aerospace, black budget and military complex organisations racing to recover their own vehicle before someone else, a competitor or hostile opposition, recovers it first.
ET’s and Aliens are just as fallible and prone to mistakes and their vehicles are just as prone to wear and tear as any other physical vehicle. They have been visiting earth from the beginning of humanity’s seeding events. And still continue to live amongst us today.
The reasons mentioned above as to why there is so much energy and effort put into retrieving the various different craft becomes evident when you see that there is a technological race going on between the various entities involved, each with their own reasons and methods. The fact that some agencies are working with the non-humans but also human looking non-humans too. Such as the Men in Black or the tall white greys in deep underground military bunkers and such.
So, when an incident like a crashed UFO happens, there are stories of land owners being denied entry to their own land, reasons being given that there was an aeroplane crash or a toxic chemical spill etc. just to keep the public from seeing and talking about it but also taking pictures and even worse, taking debris and artefacts from the crash site.
Selective Prime Directive
One of the reasons why in general the public does not see the evidence is also to uphold the Galactic Federation’s silly Prime Directive. This makes no sense because the Aliens & ETs have been interacting with humanity since the beginning, as we are also from the stars initially and were seeded here. So, we too are the ET’s. It explains why there are other humans too because they are already well established in this solar system in over 400,000 colonies. There are humans all over the place, and not from earth but sharing the same Lyrian genetics. These space humans are our cosmic brothers and sisters, our Star Family, literally.
Busy Place
Earth is a busy place, lots of interstellar traffic comes and goes through our sun M13 which is a white hole. It is like a motorway junction to other constellations using wormhole travel technologies. So, the Earth with all its biodiversity, and rich in material resources, is the perfect stop off point to pick up some extra supplies or set up a colony to receive more of your fellow beings.
Most of the space traffic is directed by the large biosphere ship the Viera which is parked hiding behind the moon, and they get their orders from Saturn and the Galactic Federation that operates out of that planet.
Maritime Law of Rescue
Just as there are maritime sea traditions and laws for seafaring on planet Earth, there are similar laws or principles or procedures for rescuing a craft in distress that has put out a message or signal or beacon or a “Mayday” to show they are in distress.
Then if there are any local craft in near location that can come and rescue or assist, then they do come to help. So, you do get several different ET races all turning up to the location at once, haha! And then it’s a case of usually handing it over to the Galactic Federation operatives or one or other Star Nations that are members of the Galactic Federation to usually retrieve and process the vehicle and occupants.
In the case of the 3 Black Knight L-Class Fighter Craft that were downed and crashed on Earth recently, we had a distress call go out, lots of various positives and regressives arrived and because it was on Earth, the Alfratans, also called the Centauri, were picked up by government agencies and processed by the cabal. Which is the area where human civilisation crosses over with ET and Alien interstellar civilisations. That’s why at the top I wrote about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is up to. As these government agencies end up sending it to cabal processing agencies after they retrieve it. A vehicle will be sent to a military base and any injured or dead occupants are sent to a healthcare facility. Depending on distance and urgency of medical treatment.
Big Ocean out There
The universe is like a rich and biodiverse coral reef. It’s another much, much bigger ocean out there, in which we are just another place for life to flourish. Realising that life does actually exist out there and not only that, there are millions of billions of countless intelligent civilisations and species out there, gives us the real context and perspective of where we are in the grand scheme of things. As there are countless races and civilisations out there, we know a few of them that are from this galaxy but there are also very many new species and races coming into this sector of the galaxy who have never been seen before too, entirely new species and technologies and also capabilities. So sometimes they too get shot down by the hostile regressive cabal on earth that is being run by the Galactic Federation who took over Earth many thousands of years ago, and have been trying to run the show ever since.
So, this is one of the reasons why some beings are allowed to work with humanity and dish out their orders to the puppet humans and governments because they run the show on a deeper cabal level that is already off world.
New Human Understandings
So, we as a whole of Humanity, at the beginning of the 21st Century, are coming into new types of understandings and awareness about who we are, how we got here, what’s going on in the bigger picture, that we are not alone, and then how do we go about good contact instead of a war invasion type of contact? How do we protect ourselves as a planet and species? Who do we need protection from and who has been and is already protecting humanity and their own Starseeds. So as these things are revealed, it will break apart some old established ideas about things and bring about a change in the way people understand their place in the Universe.
I am hoping that this new understanding in the greater collective awareness will bring about more unity rather than division. If we listen to teachings of our Star Families, we will see such a rich ancient history runs its thread through our species and always has done in the wisdom keepers and oral and ceremonial tribal practices and ceremony. The Star Teachings of our ancestors is still here today. They teach us how to not need money or governments and how to live in harmony with the planet and peoples. This will be the ancient, but considered new, technology that is passed on to expanded beings that are doing their inner development work, so they are ready for passing on to others about the true nature of the cosmos and how we were also space travellers once that settled on a beautiful blue planet many thousands of years ago. Who knows, maybe it was because our craft developed a fault, and we crash landed here first? And that’s how we all originally, but not intentionally, got here?? Haha!
The Immaculate Constellation Papers
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