What is the Drake Equation?
Frank Drake created an equation with the purpose to try and estimate the potential number of intelligent alien civilisations in our Milky Way galaxy. This is called the Drake Equation. His main aim was not accuracy but to stimulate scientific enquiry about the subject.
The answer he came up with was a gross underestimate of the real figures.
Fundamentally flawed from the outset, his line of reasoning and postulates were (like all of us) based upon the knowledge he had (we have) at the time.
It’s All in the Question
No this is not some kind of ego trip of mine where I feel like taking on all the big paradoxes in academia, science, physics, spirituality and religion, it’s that because they are all aspects of our human condition. To some extent they are all related, both in relative truths but also in absolute truths, both apply simultaneously.
It is usually never a case of “either or”. This is a dualistic mindset, to tend to want to place things into one of two categories or extremes. This then tends to lead to misconceptions of the way things are, which then under such false perceptions, will create more false concepts, or questions that do not include certain knowledge when posing the question.
Not Possibles
So, for example- “What exact time and day were you conceived?” Or, “Please give me a call to let me know when you’ve fallen asleep?”
These are nonsensical questions that required some more knowledge, and things like the awareness of the exact time of your conception, it will never really be known by you.
False Base
Also, without knowing certain facts like people cannot call anyone and they can’t speak to them while they are sleeping, is non sensical. Of course everyone knows that, but you get my point hopefully that to postulate a question or questions or an equation like Drakes in this case, it has come from his false base perception of reality.
Not Seeing What’s Already There as Evidence
As with the flaw in “Fermi’s Paradox”, because as I’ve explained, he came from a limited knowledge base, and so based his question upon that limited knowledge. Not only that, but because he was an academic, he was “trained” not to perceive the actual evidence already around him. Of which there is ample if you know what you are looking for and looking at.
There is looking and there is seeing, the two are very different things.
Revision & Update
Frank Drake, though I’m sure he was well meaning at least attempting the calculation is enough to be applauded, and it was based on the current knowledge at the time of its proposition. So, I am glad it is there for people to contemplate upon in the first place. This is not a crusade against Drake personally, I am sure his heart is in the right place. All I’m doing is much the same as Drake, based on the knowledge I and others know, at this current more advanced time period. So, I am fortunate enough to be able to also try to articulate the updated knowledge on to you, to progress your own awareness of it too.
There is a reason why archaeologists or historians like to see the world as separate, it’s because they have been “trained” to look at reality as separate compartmentalised parts and in isolation of the influence of other parts.
A perfect example is when archaeologists think that explorers from one country or continent sailed to other continents. They go on just the fragments and artefacts of the past to estimate dates. Yet due to the passage of time and them not being there personally, they are not able to include the influences at the time, or all the other articles that the passage of time has destroyed to show a more accurate picture of how civilisations intermingled and interacted with each other. Which was much earlier before the ice age, Neolithic period, Stone Age, Bronze Age. Those were the result of humanity having to start again, after a pre flood global civilisations got wiped out.
Prior Global Explorations
The Earth human dating periods are all incorrect. For example all the pre-history of Egypt just conveniently skipped over, or the time when civilisations could sail and navigate the whole world was way before the official history states it was.
This way of separatism or isolationism is coming from academically trained minds, which are themselves compartmentalised in their thinking processes from the way they’ve been taught to think and perceive reality.
How Often Do You See Lions?
How often do you see lions in your street, just walking around like domestic cats and people treating them like that? The answer is probably not very often to not at all. Seeing as you live in a city or an environment that has no lions.
How often does a lion see a sheep on the plains of Africa in the safari? The answer is probably not at all because it would be an environment too hostile for sheep to survive.
Yet if a lion could speak, it would not talk of sheep because it wouldn’t know about them.
It is the same for your experiences, you are pretty sure you would remember if lions were just roaming around freely in your neighbourhood, therefore it’s not on your mind to talk about them, or not like you think you are in danger of being eaten by one? The topic doesn’t really come up much in conversation so it’s not in your mind. Yes, you are aware of lions and their danger, but not too concerned as you live in a city and you don’t see them there so you feel safe. It’s not a subject you think of.
No Experience To Ask
The same can be said of Frank Drake with his equations and Fermi, with his paradox question. At the time of their formulation, there was a lack of awareness or knowledge that was certain enough or from sources of authority they trusted and believed in to say what was confirmed as “evidence” and what was not. Unaware of factors like planet Earth being colonised, seeded with life and from ancient E.T. civilisations many thousands of years prior to their birth. Nor that some of the colonising E.T. species took control of human society and censored information and removed evidence about themselves and other ET races visiting and colonising Earth.
So, in some similar regards as the lion that never asks or talks about seeing or eating a sheep, because the lion has no experience of one, it then does not include sheep in its thoughts to even enquire.
From a Different Perspective
I hope you can see now a bit more of how I view these postulates and equations. I appreciate them being attempted and also, even though they are incorrect, they have to start somewhere. As an intelligent-ish species, humanity has been asking these questions of whether or not we are alone, for a very long time now. It is only with the advent of modern society being in lack of awareness, that it poses these naive questions. That it is also no fault of either Drake or Fermi, and I have no issue about their character, so it is not a personal attack on them, just a pursuit of more accurate data and its wider context.
So finally with all the above context in mind please, we can now start to get down to the actual equation itself. I had to establish where I’m coming from for people who are new to all this, and for the negative type of people who will want to debunk this info.
The Result first, Explain How After
In fact, let’s just cut to the chase and give you the answer to Drakes Equation. Then I’ll explain how he got to that result, and after that I can do my explanation and break it down into a bit more detail.
Some of you I’m sure will not be interested in all the numbers etc, so you can probably skip the sciencey bits and the maths stuff to get to the updated conclusion with the more modern-day wider knowledge base included.
Drakes Equation Result or Conclusion
This result or answer above is on the internet if you wish to look it up, it’s not the correct answer but it is the one above that Frank Drake came up with. It’s basically saying that within the Milky Way Galaxy or our observable universe, there should be another 12,500 Extraterrestrial civilisations currently out there. A number grossly under calculated or underestimated.
Why is it not correct?
Simple answer to a more complicated one is that Drake left out some variables, which then led him to conclude the wrong amount from posing the wrong questions or by applying the wrong calculations.
Frank Drakes equation below.
The values on this graphic above are based on incorrect numbers. I will mark out where and explain why further along in this article below.
A Way To Explain It
The best possible way to explain Drake’s errors is probably in simple terms, not just for you to be able to wrap your head around the subject more easily, but also for me too, as a way of explaining it to you.
I’m sure there are people who like numbers, so I may include those too where applicable.
Definitions, definitions
As I looked at the equation, I found myself wondering about the definitions of words. Drake uses the term “Civilisation” in his calculations. So I had to look up the definition of “civilisation” or plural “civilisations” and whether the definitions too were lacking.
One or Two Civilisations?
Because of this example the question becomes whether you can define something as one or more civilisations. Take for example, you had one civilisation that could space travel and landed on another planet and established a civilisation on it. Would that then be considered a new civilisation because it was on a new planet?
Or would that be considered as two different civilisations because they are on separate planets?
I appreciate that when the term or definition of the word “civilisation” was created, I’m sure they had not factored in that variable of other planet’s civilisations coming to Earth. They could only see it and apply its context from an Earth only perspective. So it does need updating as a term along with its meanings.
For example, we had “colonies” of Atlantis all over the planet, but we called it one “civilisation”. We do the same for the ancient Egyptian or Greek or Roman or Mayan “civilisations”. But the Mayans came from the Pleiades and said so. So are we to call all the Mayan civilisation as actually “Pleiadian” civilisation? At what point does a civilisation become two? Is it when there are enough cultural differences like Roman is to Egyptian? Or what about the offshoot break away civilisations that are not part of the original civilisation anymore but still carry most of their cultures and ceremonies?
I think to me the best way of describing it is that a civilisation can be in one or more location, and it can be the same civilisation but on different planets.
Unless that offshoot civilisation calls itself a different one from its parent one, then they can be considered the same civilisation.
Take the colonisation invasion of Australia by the British. Now that was considered a colony of the British empire or civilisation. So can be considered the same “civilisation” but in different locations as colonies.
So it is only the fact that the “Ancient Astronaut “theory and the “Panspermia” theory are not considered in these definitions and new perspectives, and that we see things from an Earth centric point of attention without any of that extra off planet relationship stuff, we have naturally come to know the other Star Family cultures as just Earth ones, that arose all on their own, like Mayan or Sumerian or Egyptian. All of which btw were from off planet separate “Civilisations”. Yet we could also call them Pleiadian (Mayan), Anunnaki (Sumerian), or Orion or Zeta (Ancient Egyptian) civilisations too. If we were aware of their origins. Which we are now beginning to be.
Self Identity
Also, it’s down to the identity of said civilisation to define itself as being different enough to be wanting to be called a different civilisation, plus whoever defines that culture to define it as or see it as the same or different. Some people will consider a different colony as the same civilisation but with colonies, and some will define them as two different cultures. Depending on their own perception.
Hardly Civilised?
Also, the definition of civilisations being that of a culture of civilised peoples. This is by far the last thing the British empire, Roman Empire etc were. They were anything but civilised compared to the Native American cultures that needed no jails, judges, police, or governments, no money and no homelessness. Seeing the “natives” as “savages” and subjugating them, infecting them with diseases, rape, torture, genocide is not something that comes from a civilised culture. So to me it’s the opposite, as the native cultures that were decimated by others with more modern weapons were far more civilised and cultured people and the proper definition of what a “civilisation” is. Thus I do not see the word “civilisations” from a Western European perspective.
How do you measure it?
How can you measure something that exists but have not got the equipment invented yet to measure the phenomenon? The answer is you cannot measure something without the device you need to measure it. So no matter how many numbers you try and calculate, you will never be able to measure it accurately. Instead, until an instrument comes along that can measure it, you are reduced to describing it only.
What Unit Scale
The trouble with that is, ok so you have a machine to measure it, so what units of measurement do you use to measure it? Lightyears, hours, minutes, centuries, centimetres, inches, a qubit, feet, yards, millimetres, millilitres, cubic meters, max plank length, manometers etc.
You will still have to come up with some measurement scale and definitions. Which will never, as explained above, be able to describe accurately or measure accurately either. Because you are not aware of all the variables.
So, what’s with this equation then? If it is not a correct number, then what is?
My Notes
Drake’s Ingredients
-The Rate of Formation of Stars in Our Galaxy/Observable Galaxy
100 Billion stars per year equates to 3,170 stars per second.
-The Fraction of those Stars with Planetary Systems
-Number of Habitable Planets in a Given Volume of a Universe
-The Number of Planets per Solar system that are Suitable for Life
-The Fraction of Suitable Planets on Which Life Actually Appears
-The Fraction of Life Bearing Planets on which Intelligent Life Emerges
-The Likelihood of Intelligent Species Arising on One of These Planets
-The Fraction of Civilisations that Develop the technology to be that Releases Detectable Signs of their Existence into Space
-The Length of Time such Civilisation Releases Detectable Signals into Space
Not included as Factors
-Exact number of stars born per year.
-The correct number of interstellar civilisations already out there.
-With Interstellar civilisations they establish colonies on different planets, so one civilisation can be in two or more locations on one single planet but also, one civilisation can be on many different planets.
Non-Locality & Uncertainty Principles and Quantum Entanglement for travel.
With some E.T. civilisations, they have developed and learned how to warp spacetime and can travel interstellar but also inter-dimensionally.
This means that using the principles of Non-Locality and uncertainty they are able to calculate a frequency map of their location and change their frequency to match that of their new location when they want to go there.
The physics of non-locality can be confirmed by the double slit experiment. Another name for it is Quantum Entanglement
So, they change their old frequency to match the destination frequency and ghost out and ghost into the new location. Or translocate without “travelling” a distance to get there. Literally folding space around your craft. This then increases the vector potential of planets with life upon them exponentially.
-That intelligent life uses Muons, Leptons and Neutrinos to communicate instantly across any distance, which are not being researched or included as part of the search for intelligent life.
Projects such as S.E.T.I. (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is looking with the wrong equipment and not looking for these Leptons, Muons and Neutrinos. Rather they are looking on the electromagnetic radiation and radio wave level. So not using the right equipment and not looking at the right way communication is used by many ET civilisations and cultures.
If they are, and they are saying they cannot detect any signals, then they are also part of the cover-up and there to seemingly be an authority to look to for answers but acting as another gatekeeper. If they are not looking using those methods, then why not? Is it because they genuinely don’t know? Or is it because the same regressive secretive ET’s controlling Earth are the same ones setting them up to look and never find?
To Advance Primitive Life
-The technological level of interstellar civilisations being such that they can “advance” lifeforms and create new hybrid lifeforms or look after original species and then seed other planets intentionally, which changes the natural development rates of these incidents and changes the dynamics or abundance of life resulting numbers.
Already Been
-Drake’s equation does not cater for evidence of intelligent non-human civilisations pre-existing on Earth.
Not Just on the Surface
It’s not just the surface that contains life. It’s the interior too. In fact, lots of civilisations travel in hollowed out meteors or small moons and even inside hollow planets. Some civilisations prefer to be underground, inside a planet. So this factor of being able to detect them has to take into account this variable, that not all civilisations are on the surface of a planet, and some civilisations are mobile and travel around. Some civilisations are across more than one galaxy and that those are ones we consider our own earthly ones when they originally were not.
-Signals have been received on Earth before we’ve even been able to go into space, we just have not been looking in the right way to detect them, by design of the ET’s controlling the info.
No Need for Gold Slaves
The story of the Anunnaki needing slaves to mine gold is a myth. As they could harvest the Aether and used matter replicators to create any elements. They did not come here for gold but to progress the human species already here.
-A technologically advanced species or civilisation would be able to harvest energy straight from the Aether and so it is not dependent on a planet for survival.
Shared Knowledge & Technology
Star family do cooperate with each other, trade with each other, make agreements, treaties, alliances and enemies. Just like humans do. In fact, they are of higher intelligence and spirituality so help to promote each other if aligned. This promotion of life effect also has to be taken into account as a variable that reduces the lack of life being in any given volume of the observable galaxy.
One of the last variables is that what we don’t know about, we don’t know to ask about.
There are things we do not know still, like how evolution came about. When evolution is the wrong measure, we don’t know how life came about, the conditions and how long it took. These are still unknowns. That we on Earth have not had the full disclosure because it’s been suppressed and censored. And we wonder why there are no signs of life out there, it’s because we are fooled into ignoring what’s under our very feet and built in stone all around the planet and instead look to the stars for signs with the wrong equipment and the wrong mindset.
It will always be the case that you can only go on the information you have at the time, which of course will be subject to change and upgrades.
Finally The Real Answer is…
That life is ubiquitous and exists pretty much everywhere in our galaxy and our observable universe and beyond.
We were just naive to it seeding us here, to us being kept from that data, and by reincarnation forgetting our past. We are also unaware of the numerous civilisations from Star origins, and that we are that civilisation on Earth with amnesia, but also hypnotised by regressive ET’s that were here alongside us and took over control of humanity without humanity even realising.
We Exist to Ask
The fact that we ourselves exist to even be able to pose these questions is another confirmation that life is everywhere, and we are the ones not being able to perceive it fully.
It is not that it is not present, it is that we are not yet able to perceive it presently at a much deeper level. The truth is that the evidence is everywhere all over the planet. Ancient monuments and earthworks are aligned to the Stars themselves. The ancestors said they came from the Stars, in their own language, symbols and art.
Earths Record of Scars
It is only us that whether naive, arrogant or part of the info embargo are choosing to exclude the actual evidence.
The Sphinx erosion, the Mohenjo daro, Kailasa Temple, Borobudur Temple, Nazca lines etc. Even huge great buildings like the pyramids around the planet were built with the hands of ET’s both human and non-human. As before planet Tiamat was destroyed and turned into the Asteroid Belt as it is today, and flooded the earth several times over, we had an interstellar conglomerate of many different ET interstellar civilisations, all living together on one planet.
So, you have to factor in that they arrived before our modern society and have been secretly shaping our culture and societies ever since. To think this is false is part of the perception management control system.
The question is not how much life is out there. The question should be why are we excluding the evidence of it being abundant throughout the entire universe and the evidence on our planet.
Old and New
When you factor in that the Universe is very old and Earth is relatively young in comparison, then it is logical to think that from all the variables, intelligent life is out there. The info is covered up and smeared and ridiculed so you exclude the evidence as either a hoax or that the evidence is attributed to Earth Humans cultures instead. Yet we are not able to achieve the same levels of precision today with all our modern technology as the tech used in the past. For example, using liquid rock to create walls of multi polygonal shapes as you find all over the planet that are the oldest forms of archaeology.
Light Switch
You know that light switch you have on the wall in each room in your home? Well, you know how quickly that light comes on in the room when you flick the switch? Instant, yes? That’s how fast the energy travelled to get the lightbulb on. That’s how fast the lightbulb became illuminated.
Now imagine that instant process, at that same speed it took you to flick the light switch on and turn the room into light, well imagine at that speed, it took a whole year to reach the lightbulb? That’s a light year.
Now imagine it taking 100 million of those light years to reach the lightbulb. That’s a long distance.
It is our Milky Way Galaxy, it’s 100 million lightyears across. That’s a lot of time and space for life to develop flourish and die before Earth was even born.
Same Of the More
Through looking at the Earth’s own biodiversity we can see there is a huge amount of variety, the universe is no different. In fact, the Earth has the same process of creation as all other processes and that we are just the same as the universal processes, no different at all.
Earth is actually the result of those universal processes and so it should be no surprise that our own planet is an example of more of the same that created it.
We now know that not only carbon based life, like humans, exist but also that there are some species that do not use oxygen as their main source of sustenance. That there are environments that are without oxygen that have ecosystems of thriving life within them.
We also know that life is a lot more resilient than we had first thought. Bacteria growing in mats along volcanic pools, cave chemical processes that sustain life without light or oxygen, even the hot thermal underwater volcanic hydro vents at the deep seabed are teaming with life that has adapted to its seemingly harsh environments.
We now know that not only Carbon life forms exist but also Silicone and Methane life forms exist too.
Life began in the universe before we humans did, This is one of our own arrogance’s to think it didn’t. It was without statistics or mathematical formulas, it was even there before the concept of time was invented. The universe has always been there and always will, it is an eternal whole system that sustains itself.
It is us humans that cannot comprehend something that does not have a beginning or an end. We find it hard to wrap our minds around the notion that it has always been in physicality.
We also find it hard to understand that regardless of the conditions of how it arose, life is here, and it’s all around us.
Bones of the Past
Bones have turned up, giant human looking bones. Other bones that are not human bones.
Covered up by organisations like the Smithsonian Institute.
You are life within life, looking outside of it for you own confirmation it exists, yet do not include yourself as part of that process you postulate for others.
Us Too
Humans did not evolve on planet Earth, that was designed to make you perceive humanity as Earth centric, when the very ET life we are looking for and guessing about was us too. We haven’t factored in how we got here yet, but we will eventually work it out that we ourselves are one of those intelligent civilisations that became interstellar at one point but then got captured and controlled.
I would like to thank Frank Drake for bringing us a way to look at life, how it is, where it is, and what it is. Also, that without his equations there would not be other lines of scientific enquiry that have sprung up since to try to answer those very questions Frank Drake postulates about.
So I hope that with this final answer I provide that, yes, life is everywhere 100%. In fact there are less absences of life than there are occurrences of it. You will now be able to start to look in the right places and see the evidences left behind by them all around us, as you now have the awareness of the evidential context. More information will come to light to confirm this in the future.
Matt Bell