Ways to achieve Hemi-Sync are not fully understood by mainstream science and philosophy, the Monroe institute has made some progress in this area with their experiments and findings from the likes of the CIA etc.
The old-fashioned word for it is “Enlightenment”, because you have come into balance. That’s all Hemi-Sync is, it is the state of brain function at all frequencies in a mirrored state per hemisphere to the other. So, Lambda being the most optimum state of conscious operation, and that also includes all the other Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, Epsilon brainwave states working in a harmonic together.
Most minds are like a seesaw, forever ranging from extremes in duality, going from good to bad, no middle ground. So don’t consider something being neither or having both good and bad aspects to that thing of interest thus missing the middle ground entirely. That is because they are not in their awareness of the present moment that is infinite. They are in past or future.
This being always in the past or future mindset then keeps people unaware of the present moment. Time is an illusion of collective agreements. Yet all of life occurs in the present moment, that creates the past imprints, that no longer exist. Just as the future is not written but created by what you do now. Past and future are not real. They are both the product of the things you do now.
So try to be present in your now moment. That means sitting down without distractions or stimulus, so your attention shifts to your inside.
What you are thinking, the sounds your body makes breathing, the pulse feeling inside of your heartbeat, etc. Become aware of you the physical but also the mind and the awareness of you in the physical and awareness that you are also the mind being aware of that space and time you occupy. So it’s bringing your awareness to your physical biological presence, bringing your attention to you, that blob of meat that’s living and animated there around your mind.
To become aware of your current state of being is to become present, or aware of your physical presence from the perspective of the mind looking at it and paying attention to it, which is you.
The binaural beats thing is a bit of a gimmick really. The best thing to do to achieve Hemi-Sync is to train your brain to have full spectrum thoughts. What do I mean by that?
When something happens to you, or as part of you, or by you, or as you, you will make a conclusion about it. Your mind will say something like, “Oh that was good”, “oh that was bad” etc. but it will never look at both. It will never say, “oh that was a good aspect to it, and I did notice it also has a bad aspect to it too.”
One always goes to one side, good, bad, but never looks at the one thing and sees both aspects.
When you observe stuff, try to see the dual aspects to it at the same time
Try to look at the good and bad parts as being in the one thing and depending on how other minds use and perceive it will make them use it for good or bad. It depended on the mind using it and how they think, not necessarily the thing itself.
So, the KEY, is thinking like a seesaw, any given thing has a good side and a bad side. Seeing both aspects can only be done by training your mind to think the opposite thought to that initial conclusion of one side, it’s good or it’s bad. Seeing both aspects makes you train your mind to observe both extremes. And where can it do this observation? From the CENTRE! Looking at both the dark and light to life gives you BALANCE. From the central neutral space.
Train your thoughts. When you think something is good, try to see if it can be twisted and manipulated into a bad thing or if it’s good, how people abuse it. When you see something is bad, try to see the ways people have twisted it to seem a good thing. Everything has a counter opposite vibration and frequency.
So, when you train your mind and thoughts to be more balanced, as in looking at any given thing and it’s dark and light aspects, you are seeing it from the centre, and not being pulled to make a decision from duality. As you are now seeing it from the middle third option of looking at both sides. If you think a bad thought, counter it with a positive one. Challenge your mind to find the opposite aspect to it. Whatever it is.
The best form of music is PsyTrance or Trance music and Soffegio tuned music like classical Mozart for getting yourself into hemi-sync. As it’s all about balanced thoughts and seeing both dark and light together as extremes of the one thing. With you in the middle seeing both but also seeing yourself seeing both from that balanced middle neutral mindspace.
When you train your conscious active daily mind and it’s thinking when interacting with the world, as above, it becomes a full view observance, full spectrum thought. So that when you do meditation after this training, you have trained yourself to become that neutral space. In that space in meditation comes connection to Source. Direct full broadband, it’s the back channel down the cable to Source. So yes, you have no need to think. Just be, in that meditation then you are not constrained by the emotions kicking you into good or bad. You are the observer of both in that harmonic balanced middle space which is the now present eternal. So yes it is correct about releasing your thoughts in meditation, but it does not mean that when things come to you that you can’t think about them, oh no! Disaster if that’s people’s training. So when stuff comes to mind in meditation, it is informing you so that you can think about them after. To ponder upon, reflect, introspect is a good thing to do. As that is also meditation too. I can sit and observe the riverbank, but it doesn’t mean I have to get wet. The river can speak to me without me having to be in it.
Hemisphere-Sync Training Music.
Listen on headphones of course.
This one’s good too.
My recent article called “The Duality Lock” talks about how duality keeps people from seeing the twin aspect to something. They conclude it’s one or the other. In that belief then, they cannot literally “see” somethings dual opposite aspect. It’s like a blanket decision that covered up their vision or awareness of a negative aspect to something if believing the false narrative. They see something that is either good or bad and not able to see something bad pretending to be good, or something good being smeared and defamed as something bad. So if you are able to train your mind to see any given thing and its counterpart opposite within it, you are seeing it more authentically and observing it’s truths more fully. So, I use the knife as a simple example of something having a dual aspect to it, and depending on the mind using it will bring out one aspect more than the other to that object. With a knife it’s more simple to see both its good and bad sides. Life and people are more complex than the knife but each of us has that dark & light within us. Depending on the quality of how we feel about ourselves, that will filter how we view the world as hostile or beneficial, but in hemp-sync you know both aspects coexist to all things. That is seeing reality from a Hemi-Sync perception.
Much love 💖🙏🌟