E.T. Earth-Timeline History

Part of the perception management system is to keep people in a dual mindset, so that (whatever any given thing is) is given either a good or a bad status. This is by design.
Reasons are that when people have this dualistic programmed mind state or perception, they will see things as either extreme and in simple “good/bad” options.
Generally, that is because the mind is also perceiving the past and the future and is mostly not or never in the current now. As the now is counted in ever passing seconds, minutes and hours etc., so the “now” moment is seen as just the flip from future to “fleeting now” and then to the past.
This Now moment happens to be the opposite when you explain that time is also an illusion. We are distracted to look at the past or the future, so we are never in our present moment of eternal now, as explained above, with the fact that people in the dualistic mind will just see the now as a split second flip from the future to the past.
This has many benefits to the controllers because with you being in that mindset you will never think of the neutral space either. It won’t be a place in the middle from where to make neutral observations or from where to be in control of past and future.
The future has not happened yet, and the past has happened and gone. Neither actually exists right now, except in your mind.
So that is where the mind thinks it has to go to, either the past or the future and is then locked you into those two options, and then always misses out the middle one, which is neutral. This is the now, the present moment that is filled up with your mental focus on past or future, not existing time.
Duality Defenders
You get mind slaves then locked into duality who will defend either position to the death.
As people form their personalities and ego constructs, they interact with others. When it’s friends they all generally agree on things, it’s either good or bad and they will talk about a range of things in those simplistic limited mindsets and perception agreements. They will be offended by what is shocking to them and react in a strong way to the information that goes against their 2-way programming “beliefs” system. You tell them something as an awakened soul that triggers them, something that goes against the program, they react in that dualistic way.
There is no suspending of their reactions, no pause, you can see their faces reacting to the words as they are understood by them. Then, if it’s something that goes against their simple perception, or something nuanced, they will not understand it and trigger. Simply because they do not consider that things are on a scale, a gradient, a transition, from one extreme positive magnetic pole to the other negative magnetic pole is one entity, one magnet, you!
So, between both poles is the middle that contains both ends but also neither end, if you know about the middle or the gradient.
I don’t know if people understand that once you realise the 3rd option always existed, and how you were distracted from it by design, you will realise that in that centre is all of everything.
You control both poles, but you can also exclude both poles if you wished, because you are in the centre ground. From the centre you own both extremes but none too. This is also where variety, creation, empowerment, freedom, and enlightenment reside.
It opens up that inner space and gives you a neutral space from where to breathe and think and pause, and reflect, and take inventory, and rest, and observe yourself and others. It’s where connection to Source is strongest. In your present awareness of yourself in the Now real-time eternal moment.
People in duality are lost in anxiety about the future or reminiscing about the past. They are lost in no space and time. Their reactions cannot include the middle neutral. The best version, of that version of the neutral ground, for people is called when they are “not bothered” either way, so is generally an acceptance of both and not a choice.
So, people in duality cannot see the grey area, the spectrum of life and all of its little subtleties and gradients from one end to another. They can’t see all that space, a place where people don’t feel forced to choose as they know they always have a 3rd option, and it’s a space they can start to take back control of themselves, it’s a sanctuary too, a sacred space.
Your Centre
Once the programmed dualistic mind is programmed into thinking there are only those two options to make conclusions from, the mind then is not so able to see the middle space. The neutral territory where you do not support either side of a two-horse race, it also doesn’t allow the mind to create a third option or route to go down or escape route.
For example, many people are placed into making an important decision. They think they only have 2 options, so choose one of the lesser evils, which is still choosing evil. Especially if that evil is the one that has control of those 2 choices. The illusion of choices too is another way to confuse people. Providing seemingly different separate options but really controlling all options that you are told are available. When in actual fact you always have the right to think of a third option, one of your own creation, that does not play into the dualistic controlled good or bad, one party or other etc.
There is not only the “third” option you create that can negate the two controlled ones, but there are many more than just 3 options. You find in that middle ground is where all of life is in the now. Within that third neutral space or middle ground, are infinite options you can choose. So, realising that there is always a 3rd option when presented with just two, helps you find your own now neutral 3rd option space. And you can have fun with that centre ground if you are a creative person or someone who can see both options presented, neither of which you would choose.
Source Connection
In the centre space, there is only now, there is your present awareness of you interacting in that space and time. You become self-aware, but not in a neurotic way like awkward, but empowered to be able to see yourself from a more neutral perception as observer of the wider self. This makes you dangerous, because you are thinking in real-time and creating non programmed or predictable behaviours that then cannot be programmed or controlled. You don’t fall for the various scams each day, and you see deeper into life. You are in one-ness. From duality into the centre, third, middle neutral option – you go into oneness. Direct real-time connection to Source, through your now higher vibrating consciousness presence of self.
Now Neutral Space Exercises.
To bring you into your present moment. Here are some things you can actively do.
Beach combing
Going for a walk in nature
Making music
Floating in water
Chi Gong
Tai Chi
Creative writing
Reading books, depending on how you read them. Stop to reflect on the story and imagine things for yourself. If it’s a really good book and you get totally lost in it, but don’t reflect, then you’re relying on the author’s imagination not your own.
Even daydreaming is good,
Wildlife watching too, watching nature.
Also, gardening is good.
There are more but this is a good start.
Finally my fave! Doing Art!!!
The more you do of these things and become aware of yourself doing them, and enjoying them there and then, the more you are in that present eternal now moment. At the centre of life right there and then.
Ways to achieve Hemi-Sync are not fully understood by mainstream science and philosophy, the Monroe institute has made some progress in this area with their experiments and findings from the likes of the CIA etc.
The old-fashioned word for it is “Enlightenment”, because you have come into balance. That’s all Hemi-Sync is, it is the state of brain function at all frequencies in a mirrored state per hemisphere to the other. So, Lambda being the most optimum state of conscious operation, and that also includes all the other Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, Epsilon brainwave states working in a harmonic together.
Most minds are like a seesaw, forever ranging from extremes in duality, going from good to bad, no middle ground. So don’t consider something being neither or having both good and bad aspects to that thing of interest thus missing the middle ground entirely. That is because they are not in their awareness of the present moment that is infinite. They are in past or future.
This being always in the past or future mindset then keeps people unaware of the present moment. Time is an illusion of collective agreements. Yet all of life occurs in the present moment, that creates the past imprints, that no longer exist. Just as the future is not written but created by what you do now. Past and future are not real. They are both the product of the things you do now.
So try to be present in your now moment. That means sitting down without distractions or stimulus, so your attention shifts to your inside.
What you are thinking, the sounds your body makes breathing, the pulse feeling inside of your heartbeat, etc. Become aware of you the physical but also the mind and the awareness of you in the physical and awareness that you are also the mind being aware of that space and time you occupy. So it’s bringing your awareness to your physical biological presence, bringing your attention to you, that blob of meat that’s living and animated there around your mind.
To become aware of your current state of being is to become present, or aware of your physical presence from the perspective of the mind looking at it and paying attention to it, which is you.
The binaural beats thing is a bit of a gimmick really. The best thing to do to achieve Hemi-Sync is to train your brain to have full spectrum thoughts. What do I mean by that?
When something happens to you, or as part of you, or by you, or as you, you will make a conclusion about it. Your mind will say something like, “Oh that was good”, “oh that was bad” etc. but it will never look at both. It will never say, “oh that was a good aspect to it, and I did notice it also has a bad aspect to it too.”
One always goes to one side, good, bad, but never looks at the one thing and sees both aspects.
When you observe stuff, try to see the dual aspects to it at the same time
Try to look at the good and bad parts as being in the one thing and depending on how other minds use and perceive it will make them use it for good or bad. It depended on the mind using it and how they think, not necessarily the thing itself.
So, the KEY, is thinking like a seesaw, any given thing has a good side and a bad side. Seeing both aspects can only be done by training your mind to think the opposite thought to that initial conclusion of one side, it’s good or it’s bad. Seeing both aspects makes you train your mind to observe both extremes. And where can it do this observation? From the CENTRE! Looking at both the dark and light to life gives you BALANCE. From the central neutral space.
Train your thoughts. When you think something is good, try to see if it can be twisted and manipulated into a bad thing or if it’s good, how people abuse it. When you see something is bad, try to see the ways people have twisted it to seem a good thing. Everything has a counter opposite vibration and frequency.
So, when you train your mind and thoughts to be more balanced, as in looking at any given thing and it’s dark and light aspects, you are seeing it from the centre, and not being pulled to make a decision from duality. As you are now seeing it from the middle third option of looking at both sides. If you think a bad thought, counter it with a positive one. Challenge your mind to find the opposite aspect to it. Whatever it is.
The best form of music is PsyTrance or Trance music and Soffegio tuned music like classical Mozart for getting yourself into hemi-sync. As it’s all about balanced thoughts and seeing both dark and light together as extremes of the one thing. With you in the middle seeing both but also seeing yourself seeing both from that balanced middle neutral mindspace.
When you train your conscious active daily mind and it’s thinking when interacting with the world, as above, it becomes a full view observance, full spectrum thought. So that when you do meditation after this training, you have trained yourself to become that neutral space. In that space in meditation comes connection to Source. Direct full broadband, it’s the back channel down the cable to Source. So yes, you have no need to think. Just be, in that meditation then you are not constrained by the emotions kicking you into good or bad. You are the observer of both in that harmonic balanced middle space which is the now present eternal. So yes it is correct about releasing your thoughts in meditation, but it does not mean that when things come to you that you can’t think about them, oh no! Disaster if that’s people’s training. So when stuff comes to mind in meditation, it is informing you so that you can think about them after. To ponder upon, reflect, introspect is a good thing to do. As that is also meditation too. I can sit and observe the riverbank, but it doesn’t mean I have to get wet. The river can speak to me without me having to be in it.
Hemisphere-Sync Training Music.
Listen on headphones of course.
This one’s good too.
My recent article called “The Duality Lock” talks about how duality keeps people from seeing the twin aspect to something. They conclude it’s one or the other. In that belief then, they cannot literally “see” somethings dual opposite aspect. It’s like a blanket decision that covered up their vision or awareness of a negative aspect to something if believing the false narrative. They see something that is either good or bad and not able to see something bad pretending to be good, or something good being smeared and defamed as something bad. So if you are able to train your mind to see any given thing and its counterpart opposite within it, you are seeing it more authentically and observing it’s truths more fully. So, I use the knife as a simple example of something having a dual aspect to it, and depending on the mind using it will bring out one aspect more than the other to that object. With a knife it’s more simple to see both its good and bad sides. Life and people are more complex than the knife but each of us has that dark & light within us. Depending on the quality of how we feel about ourselves, that will filter how we view the world as hostile or beneficial, but in hemp-sync you know both aspects coexist to all things. That is seeing reality from a Hemi-Sync perception.
Much love 💖🙏🌟
What is Light Language?
The universe is in constant flow and fluctuation. We humans are like a portal, we manifest ourselves through thoughts that are then expressed into light. This light we call the physical body. So, imagine a river that has to flow through a narrow channel, universe is either side of this channel and it’s also in the middle acting as a pipe. Depending on how you think, depends on whether it’s a flowing pipeline, or if confused then it’s a bent and twisted pipeline. New knowledge opens up different pipe junctions. So, as we grow and develop, we learn all sorts of new things through experience and interacting with the world. We grow up with an extensive pipe network, all with the universe flowing through it like water.
So, some people make very complicated pipe networks that they are not really conscious of. Some bits of pipe work make the water go slower through them, some leak into pools and some pipes are blocked while others are still flowing. The flow of the pipe network depends on how you think about yourself. If you do not like yourself, you will make a shoddy network that will start falling apart, but if you get to like yourself then love yourself the pipes are straight and water flow meets no resistance. Most people have a combo of both. Ones they are certain about themselves that are straight but also with older networks that haven’t been addressed, repaired or maintained in good shape. So, these older networks or more recent ones that are not built well, are the result of not caring about oneself or from experiences that caused us trauma and strong emotional episodes.
Anyway, the flow of water is the universe in flow. It is energy, frequency and vibration passing through you that you attach on to or let pass. The ones you hold onto make your pipe network. Some people realise some of their pipes are blocked or stagnant or slow flowing. The flow is sound turned into light that is passing through you and it creates the pipes but also creates the flow of universe going through its pipes. Now there are pressure release valves and there are taps to safely drain away or collect blockages allowing constant flow. So, the language of Energy patterns, that flow though you as vibration and frequency, are your thoughts flowing through the pipes you made. The quality of those thoughts about yourself dictates the pipe network efficiently or degradation.
Put simply, light language is the flow of universal energy through you. Some people feel compelled to release some of that flow of energy through them. It helps release pressure, helps clear blockages or stress and energy forms that you hold onto. Say you have a terrible trauma and keep looping thoughts about it in your mind and holding it as an energy form. That would be resistance in the pipe flow leading to stagnation and blockage. So, to release these various emotional and thought forms, it comes out as sound and also some feel compelled to make shapes with their hands.
Light language is only relevant to the individual as no other people can interpret it and it cannot be alphabetised or codified like a set of symbols or mudras etc, because it is subjective to the individual. So people speak light language and do the hand and arm movements to apply their own treatment to reality. They use light language and sound to release this, and it comes out as a form of random language.
But it is not random to the individual as it is a release of their energy in a controlled way. Through sound and movement.
Another aspect to the water or universe that is flowing as Energy, Frequency and Vibration, is that it is your timeline, your light codes and keys that activate your DNA. Closing and opening your strand receptors. You have this mathematical code, language code, symbolic code, sound code, visual code, and light code going through you at all times generating you and the flow through your unique pipe network.
The ancients called it “Speaking in Tongues” because the phenomena was not really known so well back then.
So, this release comes out of people when they feel the need to do it. But not only that, when you connect to your higher self at higher frequencies, you can start to see that code externally and around you too as a language of flow. And when you can start to see these energies then you can start to interact with them in real-time. You can help others by being able to read their energy pipe networks or flows and with their permission you can start to remove blocks and increase flow and rearrange the pipe network within them to allow a smoother flow through them. Some people use Reiki or Acupuncture to re-route the meridians or energy pathways, or massage or meditation. Other practices like Chi-gong etc can help reshape the neural pathways and improve the quality of thoughts in the individual. Which leads to a better expression of a healthier body. I know it’s rather a long-winded explanation but it couldn’t really be shorter without the context of how the flow works.
The Fermi paradox is the discrepancy between the lack of conclusive evidence of advanced extraterrestrial life and the apparently high likelihood of its existence.[1][2] Those affirming the paradox generally conclude that if the conditions required for life to arise from non-living matter are as permissive as the available evidence on Earth indicates, then extraterrestrial life would be sufficiently common such that it would be implausible for it not to have been detected yet.
‘The quandary takes its name from the Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi: in the summer of 1950, Fermi was engaged in casual conversation about contemporary UFO reports and the possibility of faster-than-light-travel with fellow physicists Edward Teller, Herbert York, and Emil Konopinski while the group was walking to lunch. The conversation moved on to other topics, until Fermi later blurted out during lunch, “But where is everybody?”’
Source – Wikipedia
So Where’s the Proof?
For all those academics out there, pertaining to the last sentence of Fermi’s Paradox, I present the evidence to you that extraterrestrial life does exist, by way of proof that you can all research and look-up for yourselves. Anyone with intelligence using simple logic can deduce and conclude said same.
I must make this clear! I am not! Repeat, I am NOT here to make your mind up for you or persuade you as I already have the answer for myself. All I am doing is pointing the way in which to look and then perhaps find the way to “see” the real truthful answer.
It is none of my business what you believe in or not, or what you know or not. That is your business. I know automatically that there will be a certain number of people who will never be able to accept this as evidence, and so will never know the answers. That’s up to them but I do not care for those types of mindsets. So I am talking to rational or intuitive minds only here.
“The truth never denied the seeker, it is always the seeker who denies the truth.” Ancient Egyptian saying.
Meaning that there are truths presented all the time, but if one has no awareness of them, then the person who comes across it will not be able to see it or understand it.
“The eyes can only see what the mind is able to accept.”
To know of something you have to be aware of it first, then experience it and then react to it. Without your awareness you would not be able to know it exists and so it would not to you.
To be aware of something, to see it, means you can investigate it or avoid it. Without your awareness of it you have no choice.
Planet Earth is full of biodiversity, have you ever wondered why?
If we just evolved, as Darwin proposed from apes, by way of “evolution”, then would all the other apes not have “evolved” into humans just like us too? Why didn’t they evolve at the same rate into humans?
What about the fact that humans have 2 less chromosomes than other primates?
Or that we are the only intelligent life on the planet that can use fire to construct or destruct things. The age of developed humanity is going back further and further into our past.
Darwins Holes
These, and many other unanswered, but already incorrectly assumed, answers, leaves more holes of inconsistency, that seem to be growing larger, in Darwin’s theories on evolution. And it’s not me just saying this either.
New Discoveries
There are ever increasing new insights coming to light from the science and biology field, such as genetic research and manipulation and molecular biology, things like CRISPR technology etc.
We are discovering that there are other types of biological intelligences on this planet, other than just us humans, take for instance the slime mould that redesigned the Japanese subway system far more efficiently than the human designed one. Or the research by Dr John C Lilly on Dolphins and their 3D sonic Cymatics language, pet names, accents and much more.
Unrelated People, Same Experiences
Professor John E. Mack
Harvard head of Psychiatry was one of the leading mainstream academics that came out to the public about the conclusion he had come to. People from all around the world, who didn’t know each other, or had ever possibly been in contact with each other, and from different continents, were sharing the same types of experiences and consistently describing the same type of beings and their procedures.
This was done through many interviews with “Experiencers” who were contactees or abductees.
For someone of those qualifications to openly state that he believed that there was a genuine common denominator about these people’s experiences, and that he believed them to be truthful. There is no other conclusion to make.
The Octopus
Octopus’s genes.
Marine biologists and scientists are finding out from research that certain genomic, genetic structures of the Octopus are completely different to other genetics on earth and looks like there has been some genetic editing too, or that is misconstrued as not being an alien genetic structure as there is only Earth genomes as reference. Octopi are also shape shifters and are perfect at mimicking other creatures’ shapes and forms of movement, but also a varied range of patterns including camouflage into the background for blending into different environments. It has 9 brains and 3 hearts, so that’s another biological difference as most life on Earth generally has one brain to one heart ratio but not exclusively.
Humans having fused nucleus and 2 less chromosomes.
This is a bit of a misdirection because there are other species that have various chromosomes ranging from just 2 to over 200, so the premise for this statement of less chromosomes, is that of the animal mammal kingdom which has 2 more chromosomes than humans, and that is because of genetic manipulation.
That we humans have a fused nucleus of the cell, which does not occur naturally with any other species on Earth, and could have only been done through genetic creation, or editing or manipulation or advancement or intervention.
Also there is the debate that modern human settlements and artefacts being found as evidence, are pushing further and further back in time the plausibility of fully developed Homo Sapiens species without any regressive aspect to the DNA.
Which will become more apparent as we move into future discoveries of evidence of our early seeding here and subsequent reseeding events of humanity and other species here on planet Earth.
Prior Knowledge of The Dogon Tribe
Of Mali, West Africa
Having advanced astronomical knowledge before mainstream science and technology were able to confirm their data. The Dogon tribe also knew that our Milky Way Galaxy was spiral shaped, that Jupiter has 4 main moons, and advanced knowledge of the Sirus Star system, and Sirius B before any telescopes of modern science found this was correct. The Dogon priests maintained that Sirius has a companion star that is invisible to the human eye. They also explained that the star moves in a 50-year elliptical orbit around Sirius, that it is small and incredibly heavy, and that it rotates on its axis. They also created the original basis for quantum computing in modern day with their counting and trading system drawn in sand.
This set of facts alone should be proof enough, as there is no other way to explain how they knew all this astronomical data before modern science did. It’s also not possible with observation from the human eye?
The only possible explanation is what the Dogon tribe themselves say, which is that it was data from non-human extraterrestrial sources. End of debate surely?
The Book Mahabharata
(eyewitness accounts)
This epic Indian tale describes these ancient battles in the sky with different types of flying vehicles all around Earth with descriptions of their direct energy weapons, and that this era of war happened around 20,000 years ago in Earths past history. What’s interesting is that there is supporting evidence from the exact time in history of such events taking place on Earth.
Destroyed Cities with Nuclear Isotopes
The city of Dwarka, laying in ruins along the North West coast of India, nuclear fallout at Mohenjo-daro, where buildings were turned to glass in the melting and petrified bodies are still radioactive on the streets of the Indus Valley location.
Ancient Technology of D.E.W.
If they have a spacecraft that can create its own electromagnetic immersion field around it using a zero point, over Unity energy generating device that pulls the filial out of the aether, then they sure had high energy technological capabilities to melt stone or carve it, or even compose it into stone. They also had lasers and sonic devices to cut the stone. Sonic saws.
Even vitrified rock was used for evaporating rock out of mountains, or from eliminating the negative rock space to reveal a positive carving or relief, such as the Kailash Temple in Ellora in India.
Or the destructive power of direct energy weapons like lasers cut marks on Egyptian monuments from high energy weapons like on the Colossi of Memnon show signs of this and burnt rock from very high temperatures.
The Rigveda & Vimala Shastra Texts
(UFO blueprints)
Which are ancient Sanskrit Vedic texts of ancient times, also the Vimala Shastra talks of “mechanical birds”. Later texts around 500 BC even has blueprints of different Aerospace vehicle designs – their mercury propulsion engines were called Vimana for example.
Other Ancient Texts
The Bhagavad Gita, the Book of Enoch, the book of the Watchers, all describe beings that came from the heavens or the skies or beyond the firmament, and who came down to Earth.
They are described as those that come from the skies, or from the heavens, or fallen angels etc, or who came from other worlds in flaming chariots of fire, of wheels within wheels.
Ancient Art
From dots on the cave wall representing the star systems, or the aboriginal pictograms or the American native tribes’ gallery walls depicting many different animals and strange humanoid beings, other than human ones interacting with the tribes way back in the past.
The Mayan culture was very clear about their Pleiadian origins, they even laid out their cities in the same formation as the star system. They had pottery of characters in spacesuits and even people in flying vehicles and rocket ships. There is even a Roman mosaic of a flying saucer. There are medieval or renaissance paintings of religious themes with UFO’s and craft beaming down light from their vehicles or with flaming fire around them. Throughout the whole of human recorded history.
Battle over Nuremberg 1516
Here is the published 1516 article with matching current UFO/UAP sightings.
Battle of Los Angeles 1942
USA military mistook ET craft for Japanese aircraft. Fired lots of rounds at ordinance at them, and it all bounced off.
The Galactic Federation’s Prime Directive Truth Embargo
Also not factored into Fermi’s postulate, is the fact that he did not think we were invaded prior to his birth, that such an entity and organisation of many ET races including Earth, would place an embargo on information that gets into the public’s awareness under the false premise that ET races are not allowed to interfere with another developing race to influence it. Which is also a control system to use against other ET races and humanity, preventing them from becoming knowledgeable about life outside Earth whilst also breaking their own directive to suit them and enforcing it upon others they see as a threat to their planet control.
How could Fermi know all this prior history of Earth? Quite simply he did not, so did not calculate those variables into his “paradox”. So, whether he knew it or not, his question was also used to control people’s perceptions because he states a conclusion that says, “discrepancy between lack of conclusive evidence of advanced extraterrestrial life, and the apparently high likelihood of its existence.” In this way he condemns or preloads the question with a conclusion that “lack of conclusive evidence” is the front-loaded thought that has assumed there is no conclusive evidence, when the conclusive evidence is all around if you knew where to look and how to think of asking a correct set of postulates that brings you to the truth. Rather than posing a front loaded preconceived notion that there is a lack of evidence. This is the main reason why the public in general do not get to see aliens landing and coming out and saying “hello” type thing because at the moment humanity and its governments are being controlled by the GF through regressive entities like the Orion Council and others. So, if a friendly Pleiadian UFO landed in front of the Whitehouse Lawn, the Pleiadians would be arrested and taken away from public interaction and the authorities would claim a false story. We’ve been here before but with Roswell remember it was a Weather Balloon? So, as you can see there have been large battles in Earth’s past history between rival factions of the GF, and it looks like the Reptiles took control, especially of the King Tut/Ankhenatem human zeta hybrid blood line of Egypt’s ruling class 3,500 years ago. So that’s why they also would possibly be recognised as ETs to the general population, as the Pleiadians and many other Star Family are just like you and me and don’t look alien but look exactly the same, human like us, and could walk past you without you even batting an eyelid or taking a second glance. There are other species that are given free roam to cause trouble too, so the GF have a selective denial and permissive nature towards the regressive types of ET’s which I call Aliens.
Crash Retrievals of Crafts and Beings
There are UFO crash retrieval teams both human and non-human recovering theirs and our crashed craft.
Competition for technology. Different companies like Lockheed and Boeing and others are in a race to build zero-point energy tech, semi-conductors and all sorts of advanced propulsion innovations. So, you have a situation where rival countries on the human level are trying to recover and find other downed craft to reverse engineer. Plus said different nations are also retrieving older buried or newly discovered craft that landed or crashed in the past and had laid hidden until recently. You also have the same going on with the ET rival races seeking to gain an insight or knowledge of other ET races technologies too.
So, you have technological and ideological competition that also drives the reasons why these advanced technologies are taken away and evidence removed.
Refer to “UFO Crash Retrievals” here for more details..
Population Perception Control
For me it’s not a question of if it is true or not that extraterrestrial intelligent life lives outside of earth, but that’s because I’ve interacted with it, and it is for me a “physical life experience” that not many others have.
So, I say this to illustrate the fact that it will be difficult for anyone who has no frame of other reference, other than their own culture, to compare with. And seeing as most modern western cultures dismiss the evidence through academia conditioned indoctrination, on how you should think, which then creates the hypnotised populations that will arrogantly dismiss anything true that they have not experienced themselves and assume it to not be real. That because they have never experienced it, then it must not be real. “Otherwise, an academic source of authority would have told me it was real?” type mentality. The classic lack of evidence proving to them that there is lack of truth and that they are correct. Which is not correct. Just because you have not seen or experienced something in your life, it does not mean that it doesn’t exist. Absence of truth is not truth of absence.
The issue also is that a lot of people will assume that humans in the past were capable of such huge feats of construction and architecture and technologies. In some ways this is true from the context of humans, being arriving space travellers at the time, coming to Earth and helping out the already pre seeded human populations here, as Family with knowledge from their Star systems on already long established Interstellar Star cultures. So, in that context yes humans and other ET’s built these sites together and then educated the populations and left colonies and travelled between colonies. To assume it was just Earth humans who in the past created these is not exactly true but also true. It is not one or the other, it is both but at different percentage levels. That’s why there is shared ideology and symbols between seemingly distant cultures on opposite sides of the planet because they had aerial forms of travel. The archaeological community maintaining that cultures around the world were separate culturally from each other as contemporaries is false. It is designed to compartmentalise information from you so you do not connect their similarities and then make supposition it was just older human cultures without ET help. This was also happening too, as other humans adopted what they learned from the Space travellers leaving their influence in the Earth human cultures.
Shaved Mountain Tops
Nazca Peru
Landing sites for large craft and ships like a space port that have been terraformed to be level flat over a large area with great accuracy.
Geo-Glyphs over large areas
Large images of characters and shapes over areas of large distance that could not be seen from the ground, so were designed to be seen from the air.
Liquid Stone Construction
Astrological alignments to the stars and buildings or earthworks or sacred sites aligned to them all around the planet. Older sites include the use of liquid rock which is stronger than concrete. This takes huge amounts of energy and is not efficient to use unless you have free energy devices that harness very high temperatures. Such as direct energy weapons or the power needed to create antigravity and Interstellar travel using the Aether as the medium to travel in but also its energy fuel source too. Like a water jet boat that needs water to power its jet. In this case it’s Aether instead of water, which is actually a high frequency water itself. Yet it is also the unified source field of energy that can be “drawn” out, or extracted from, to power vehicles endlessly without the need to refuel. Tapping into an endless ocean of free energy. So, these Polygonal block stone constructions at sites such as The Osireion at the Temple of Osiris in Egypt, or the huge, poured liquid blocks of rock in the walls of Ollantaytambo, Sacsayhuaman, Machu Picchu, Easter Island, etc are evidence of such technologies existing over 20,000 years prior to our current times.
Shared Cultural Knowledge
Handbags, Swastika, pyramid designs, Pine Cone, Winged Deities, Elongated Skulls
If you don’t know the question to ask because you’re not aware of the subject, you can’t ask the question and you can’t find the answer!
And therefore you create a false premise.
Earth was Invaded Pre-Modern Day Society
All life on Earth was seeded here by that very same ET and Alien life that the academic science and biology world likes to ignore. Because we were invaded many 1000’s of years ago. Several times in several wars for hundreds of thousands of years prior to his parents giving birth to Fermi. There is plenty of evidence for prior invasion by various Star Cultures and Regressive entities that possessed direct energy weapons and zero-point energy harvesting such a long time ago.
Deceit and the Hidden Controllers
Also the Anunnaki left. So, we’ve been under regressive alien control for 1000’s of years covering up their deeds to control humanity and deliberately hide the evidence.
Would not the best way to control someone or a population be to have it that, without their knowledge, they are being controlled and brainwashed into thinking they are free and not controlled? This is similar to the psychology in the excellent book by Sun Tzu “The Art of War.”
When you have an army of gullible mind slaves taught through your educational indoctrination camps called schools, colleges and universities, you can train them to accept only what they have been programmed to know. They have fixed belief systems. So with that training they will confirm their perception of reality, like we all do, because it’s subjective, to believe that what we see is our reality. It is a certain way and cannot be any other way because it is reality in front of them and their constructed by cabal “belief” systems then filter how they perceive reality. They will be perceiving reality through an artificial limited perception that does not allow for any deviation outside of its pre-defined authority. If it does not conform to their science or their experiments or their perception of reality then it is not a valid or genuine thing that exists. So they will deny it because it is outside of their accepted reality paradigm. Designer academic minds that reject anything that is not accepted by the mainstream science.
Take for example how modern science cannot explain gravity or how consciousness arises and functions and its location. This is just one example of how science is a self-reinforcing exclusive club that is designed to restrict the true physics or real knowledge of the universe and Source.
Hoaxes claimed and Hoaxes Made
The “establishment” has doctored every printed document, every book and publication, and still does mostly to this day. Reptilian beings have lived alongside humanity since just after it started here on Earth.
They have been able to create documents from any past period in history, fabricate authentic historical items with all the age and provenance and corroborating data. From simple church documents of how many sheep were in each parish to how many apple trees etc were on a person’s land plot etc. Birth, marriages and deaths and all tracing back in history to support certain agendas, such as a false history, concealing their long-term invasion and infiltration of humanity through the secret societies and by establishing the governments, churches, institutions that all act as gatekeepers. Controlling the official version of reality and rejecting or censoring anything that is pointing outside of the controlled perception narrative. Especially data that would undermine their control.
Genuine Artefacts debunked
Of course, to maintain the lack of evidence, crash retrieval teams and specialist teams from the Smithsonian Institute and other government agencies remove physical evidence, such as Zeta Reticulai mummies in Egypt or large extended cranium skulls, such as ones called “Paracas skulls” found in places like Peru and Mexico in South America.
A giant tooth, femur thigh bone and even a giant finger, mummies being brought out of the ground quite frequently. All this and other artefacts like tablets with writing on them that could mention the existence of another species or race of beings.
The so-called authorities being the gatekeepers of what is accepted and confirmed as genuine, and what is not.
Then you have all the amateurs bringing up finds and showing them on social media channels that go directly against the accepted history narrative. Like objects containing red mercury or books with copper pages, gold statues, as well as actual bodies.
Up Against Advanced Alien Minds
When you realise that the planet was invaded by regressive aliens that are experts in telepathy and can read and manipulate minds to perceive a different reality, it’s a small wonder that anyone even knows about it at this level. These intelligent nonhumans know our minds better than we do. They know that humans are not just on Earth but all over the galaxy and so have been able to study how they behave. So, when it came to the Tiamat flood resets they took advantage of these and applied control from an anonymous layer behind the scenes.
This is why all the structures of human society have been used as ways to control society. It’s why governments and religions and social trends have been used to shape our societies from the start. All whilst the Galactic Federation have been enforcing the cardinal Prime Directive against their opponents and critics and been permissive of the more regressive races. Up to now this has controlled the way people are educated and shaped the society they then populate. With that limited mindset of ignorance included and the ego to defend that perception of reality programmed into them. Thus maintaining the illusion that we are never finding evidence of their existence, which gives promotion to the mindset that think they do not exist.
That’s Why!
So, these are the actual reasons why Fermi’s Paradox is fundamentally flawed in its construction of his question, as it is based on the false notion that he has already condemned or not known about or taught or been “trained” how to think and not to include the existing evidence being present while he then came out with his Paradox.
In the end the actual paradox is that he too like all humans are seeded here and, along with many other species, he is and we all are those very same extraterrestrials that he dismissed. So that’s the paradox of his paradox question too haha!
So now you know that it was a false question to start with and life exists out there too.
Matt Bell